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13 January 2012
Bullas: presentation of a Blog on ACT Project

A blog related to the Project ACT Life + and its actions in the Municipality of Bullas was presented last Friday 13th of January in the Bullas Council Town.

The presentation was done by the Councillor of European Projects Ms. María Antonia Abril, accompanied by the Mayor of Bullas, Mr. Pedro Chico. She highlighted the usefulness and the resources that we can find in this blog on the topic of the Climate Change. Browsers will be able to find all the information about the work developed by the technicians in the Project ACT Life since it started in 2010. The address of the blog is www.proyectoactbullas.blogspot.com

In addition, the Councillor announced the next celebration of the “Day ACT in Bullas” on the 4th of February. It will be an activity which aims to answer to the question “What are the effects of the Climate Change in Bullas and how to act or adapt to it to reduce risks and difficulties? The Day ACT will take place in the auditorium of the Culture House and in the Wine Museum from 9.30 h. to 18.00 h. and an invitation to all the stakeholders from Bullas has been sent to get their full involvement.

The Mayor also stated the same concerns of Ms Abril and also added that apart of all these measures some other are being implemented such as the effort in the energy saving and the participation in the Mayors Pact.


Read also the press release of Bullas environment activiities with the schools and related to ACT Project.

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