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14 December 2010
ACT Conference 2010 Strategies and experiences to increse cities recilience to climate change


Programma (Italiano)
Programme (English)
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Scientists, researchers, politicians from all around the world will meet in Ancona on the 14th of December 2010 to discuss and confront on adaptation to climate change, presenting strategies, models and instruments to tackle the problem. UNISDR, the UN Secretariat for International Disaster Reduction, will attend the conference to officially present the new World Disaster Reduction Campaign 2010-2011: MAKING CITIES RESILIENT - World Disaster Reduction Campaign 2010-2011 (visit the website).

The day will be organized in two working session.

A morning plenary session where experts from all around the world will present the basis on adaptation.
It is forseen the presence of Ewa Ciuk-Jackson, Acting Director ICLEI Canada; Stefano Tibaldi, Director of ARPA Emilia Romagna and famous climatologist, Michiko Hama, Programme Officer United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

In the afternoon three session are foreseen, each one focusing into a specific issue of adaptation. These sessions will be coordinated by a chairman and will be handled as working table where all the participants will be able to intervene.
Session A: Resilience thinking for an innovative policy making at urban level
This session will get into how to develop and implement Adaptation Strategies at Urban level, improving cities resilience to climate change. Politicians, international experts and academics will confront and debate on complex situations and concrete events and problems that cities will have to face in the next years, drawing from best practices and examples that will be presented during the session.

Session B: From development to implementation of a Urban/Local Adaptation Plan. Methods and best practices
Innovative local Adaptation Plans and Strategies will be presented in this session. These best practices will be used to identify the key steps a city has to go through, providing information on methodologies, actions, steps needed to put planned strategies into action.

Session C: Assessing and evaluating the economic impacts of Climate Change at urban level: a cost-benefit analysis for a local adaptation strategy
The economic evaluation of the losses deriving from climate change is still a very debated issue, since the existing methodologies stem from different approaches and standpoints. Hence, the purpose of this session is to define with the technical support of international experts, a methodological framework/approach to quantify the costs and damages of climate change and to set priorities od action.

Read the press release and the newspaper articles.

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