The Town Hall of Bullas celebrated the closing of the Project ACT, Adapting to Climate Change in Time, last 5th of June coinciding with the World Environment Day. Besides the Town Hall of Bullas, it has participated in this Project the Town Halls of Patras (Greece) and Ancona (Italy), the Forum of Cities such as Adriatic and Jonico, and ISPRA, the Superior Institute to Protect the Research Environment Investigation.
In this event was the General Director of Environment, Amador López, who recognized "the effort of the people of Bullas" involved and, also, said to be "very proud" of the students that won the International Price about Climate Change filming a video direct with the main idea of taking care of the environmental issues.
The final event about ACT had the presence of the Councilor of European Projects, María Antonia Abril. She presented to Isabel Costa, expert in climate change, who exposed the conclusions of the Local Plan about Climate Change in Time. Isabel Costa announced that with this Plan "we try to get over the economic and environmental impacts of climate change on the town turning risks into opportunities". So that means Bullas -the first town of Spain involved in studying a Plan to react to the climate change- would be more prepare to the consequences of the change.
Another person who talked during the closing, was Stefan Moritz a consulter and a technical director of the International Vinest Network. He spoke about others European projects in which the Town Hall of Bullas is working such as SecretWine Project which have direct relation with some of the steps giving in this Plan of action against climate change.
During the event, people from Bullas watched the film created by thirteen students of 'Amor de Dios' School that won the International Price about 'ACT Change'. They got 5.000 Euros spending in computer materials for their School.
Finally, the mayor of the municipality of Bullas, Pedro Chico, ended the Project praising the labor of the working group saying that "it has been a realistic work based on real data and very exhaustive" which will contribute to fight against global warming.
Pedro Chico, also, announced that this Local Plan will be presented to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Spain.
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community