Newsletter 03 - August 2012
We ACT! News from the partners
- The Road Map for the Local Adaptation Plans LAPs: main findings and future steps.
On the basis of the outcomes of Action 2, which provided relevant scientific evidences on climate change scenarios in the three target areas and drew the basic features for a successful adaptation, ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) defined the Road Map for the Local Adaptation Plans (LAPs), with the contribution of the municipalities involved in the project.
Read article - Climate change impacts on cultural heritage in Ancona
The assessment of Climate Change effects on Cultural Heritage, carried out by ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and by IsCR, (Italian Institute for Conservation and Restoration) was realized to identify the potential risk for cultural objects in Ancona.
In particular the study was finalized firstly to classify those monuments that could be mostly subjected to the deterioration processes and subsequently to define the opportune adaptation strategies for the protection of the artworks in Ancona.
Read article - Coastal Risk Assessment: the Ancona littoral case study
The objective of this contribution is to adopt an indicator-based approach to evaluate the coastal vulnerability to sea level rise in Ancona territory. The methodology assesses the indicators that describe the current and future physical sensitivity, in the study area, to coastal erosion and flooding based on the development of numerical indices. According to the project EUROSION, Coastal Risk Index is the product of two parameters: the Coastal Sensitivity Index and the Coastal Vulnerability Index.
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With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community