Newsletter 01 - April 2011
We ACT! News from the partners
- Act project - Adapting To Climate Change in Time
Adaptation is, together with mitigation, one of the two concurrent actions that must be undertaken to face the problem of climate change. As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated: mitigation aims at avoiding the unmanageable impacts, while adaptation aims at managing the unavoidable impacts. It aims at increasing the resilience of natural and human systems to current and future impacts of climate change.
Read article - ACT Partners: about us...
The coordinator of the project is the Municipality of Ancona.
Ancona is a city and a seaport in Marche, a region located in the central part of Italy, with a population of 101,909 inhabitants (2005). The Municipality of Ancona lies on the Adriatic Coast and is located 280 kilometres north-east of Rome.
Read article - Initial Act Conference 2010 - Strategies and experiences on climate change
It was held in Ancona on 14th December 2010 the initial conference of ACT project “Adapting to climate change: strategies and experiences to increase cities resilience to climate change”.
Scientists, researchers, politicians from all around the world have met to discuss on adaptation to climate change, presenting strategies, models and instruments to tackle the problem.
Read article - Act Partners sign the UNISDR campaign “MAKING CITIES RESILIENT”
The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR, is working with its partners to raise awareness and commitment for sustainable development practices that will reduce disaster risk and increase the wellbeing and safety of citizens - to invest today for a better tomorrow.
Read article - State of the art review - Executive summary
The baseline climate scenario for the target areas of the Life “Act” project (Ancona, Bullas, Patras) can be determined by the current climate trends estimate and the climate model projections.
The first is based on the analysis of time series of meteorological observations representative of the locations under investigation, and by the application of statistical models for trend recognition and assessment.
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With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community